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Why you should start slow when working towards your fitness goals

Happy Friday!

For some, it's the end of the 9-5 working week and a time to relax. For others, it's time to plan in their long run, cycle, event etc along with everything else the weekend brings.

And that can be daunting if you're trying to build up your fitness. Looking at people online doing their long hikes, runs, triathlons etc and thinking "I'll never be able to do that".

And the reason a lot of people stop so early in their training or don't even start at all is that they are thinking of the finished product. That 2 hour half marathon seems impossible if you can string a shorter 10-minute run.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. You don't know where they have started or the training they have put in.

2. To get results, you do not have to kill yourself in the gym with an hour-long session or run until your legs fall off.

In fact, that can be counter productive. You are more than likely to get injured. Started slowly. Conversational pace for jog/walk for 10 minutes.

"But that's only 10 minutes."

Well, it's 10 minutes better than nothing at all. And if you don't feel like you are sucking wind, about to puke after those 10 minutes... you're more than likely going to think; "that wasn't too bad, I can do that again." And that's a lot better than feeling like death and thinking never again.

Now we can slowly start to build on your training.

Thnk short steps rather than the end goal. Smaller goals add up to that big goal and are much more manageable.

And the other important thing is to have a strong why! We talked about that earlier this week on our Instagram page that you can check out HERE.

I have A LOT of at-home workouts that you can try, FOR FREE, with the link HERE

Pick a shorter 10-12 minute workout out of that playlist (probably one that doesn't have burpees) and give it a try!

Drop a comment below with how you get on with one of those workouts!

And if you are looking for online coaching to have structure and accountability to your training, I have joined up with a team of coaches at Any Given Training Day to help you achieve your fitness goals.

We have a 6 Week Coaching Programme that includes:

  • Working with a Coach to make the programme specific to your fitness level

  • Have accountability and structure to your programming

  • Specific warm ups to address running issues such as shin splints and knees

  • Tailor strength training workouts

  • Follow Along HIIT and Yoga sessions

  • Weekly check ins

  • Programme design through our Any Given Training Day App

It’s programme is now available for only €99 for the first 6 weeks.:

6 Weeks Online Personal Coaching HERE

That includes your initial consultation which will help us tailor the App to your needs as well as weekly check-ins to monitor your progress and help keep you accountable.

And because you are a reader of this blog, you can get a 20% discount when you enter the code: COACHSEAN20. This will also ensure that I am personally involved in your coaching programme.

So click on the link below, use the code and get on the fast track to your health and fitness success today!
