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Read before you set your New Years Resolutions for 2020

New Years Resolutions are here. I’m sure your Facebook is bombarded with gym promotions and resolutions on how this is going to be your year. (Hell, I’m guilty of that too!)

But before you sign up to a programme or decide to go it alone, look back over your goals for 2019. I’m a bigger fan of using the time around New Years for reflection and building on that than blinding making New Years Resolutions and potentially making the same mistakes again.

Did you achieve everything that you wanted to achieve in 2019? If not, ask why not? You may feel motivated now to change. But motivation doesn’t last. Implementing realistic plans that suit your lifestyle do.

You don’t need to make 20 different changes right now to make 2020 your year. Start off with one or two changes and stick with them.

When it comes to diet. Any diet can work. But what makes the most sense to you. You might be inspired by Vegan docs over Christmas to go greener. Great, do you. It could be low carb, low fat, carnivore. But whatever it is, give yourself a few dedicated weeks and monitor how you are feeling and what you can do to make long term changes.

There are some goals I’m very proud of in 2019. Some I fell short off and changes I need to make myself. But it’s a long year and patience is key to build consistency for even bigger success.

Running is not the best way to burn body fat but if you enjoy running, hate the gym and feel like it gives you to best chance to succeed, go for it.

Yes, you need to get out of your comfort zone for true success but find what you feel will work for you rather than the next fitness gimmick.

And if that involves my training, awesome! If not, that’s ok too.

Here’s to an awesome 2020!
