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January "Fitness Dump"

January Running Distance: 153.6km
January Cycling Distance: 85.7km

January Events: Art O’Neill Challenge

Instead of the Instagram “photo dump” at the end of the month, it’s a “fitness dump”. And to be perfectly honest, one of the main reasons is to hold myself accountable to the numbers.

Just under 100 miles in a month would’ve been something I would have been proud of in recent years. Now, with the goal of doing 100 miles in 24 hours, that number needs to jump up asap

We are aiming for at least 200km in February. Mostly “easy miles” for quicker recovery and adding miles to the legs, as opposed to pace for most races, is the main goal.

The bike hasn’t exactly been my best friend over the month, as mentioned in a previous post. But I’ve been building good habits with it over the last two weeks and am confident that the number will shoot up big time in February.

The main goal for January was simply to start layering up my training. I’m getting to the gym four times a week. The kms are slowly building up. And, so far, injury free, so the building up will continue

January Events: Art O’Neill Challenge
